Step 2: Trade item information

A trade item is an object that can be ordered by means of an article code (order number) or barcode. Trade item data refers to information that is relevant to the ordering and delivery process. With the trade item records, the supplier informs its customers in which packaging form(s) the product can be ordered. Each packaging form has its own GTIN and article code

The technical data belongs to the product record (Step 3) to which the trade item refers. In addition to the manufacturer’s trade records, trade items from multiple wholesalers may be linked to one product.

The manufacturer/producer is responsible for the availability of the product record and the possible packaging forms in the form of one or more trade item records.

The reference to a product can be made in two ways;

  • based on (unique) GTIN/EAN
  • based on GLN + Product Code

Starting point is a 100% link between product and trade records.

The basic trade information of an item consists of:

  • Item Identification               (order number / barcode (GTIN / EAN) and description)
  • Order Information               (including minimum purchase, discount group)
  • Pricing Information             (incl. gross price, conversion factor, price unit, price information with effective date in the future)
  • Logistics Information          (including gross package dimensions and weight)
  • Item / Product Reference   (GTIN and/or GLN + product code)
  • Commercial Information    (deep link)

 Consult the data requirements summary to gain insight into what data is expected by your customers for uniform data exchange

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)

The GTIN (formerly EAN) is used for the globally uniform identification of trade units. Four GTIN numbering structures are available for trade item identification: GTIN-14, GTIN-13, GTIN-12 and GTIN-8. The GTIN is stored, aligned right and possibly supplemented with leading zeros in a 14-digit field. The choice of numbering structure depends on the goods and application of the user. The GTIN is a unique identifier and is issued and managed by the international organisation GS1.

If your organisation does not yet use GTIN numbers we strongly recommend that you start doing so. After all, the GTIN is the unique identifier of your product.

More information about GS1:

  GS1 – GS1 Barcodes
  GS1 – Assigning new GTIN

Price to order details examples

When exchanging item data, it is extremely important that it is clear how the item can be ordered (minimum order quantity, order multiple and order unit measure), what the price of the item is (price and/or conversion price) and the quantity of that the item (the quantity of use units). Because the ‘number of units in pricebasis’ can be used in different ways, such as priced per meter and sold per piece, but also priced per 1000 pieces and sold per 250 pieces, it is important that an uniform specification of the units is used.

Packaging form hierarchy

If the product is available in different packaging forms – for example per metre, per roll of 100 metres or a reel of 500 metres – the advice is to communicate these packaging forms as standalone items through 2BA.

The smallest unit for pricing purposes:

  • If the item is orderable in this form, enter as orderable=yes
  • If the item is not orderable in this form, enter as orderable=no
  • Unit triangle according to GTIN (bleep)

We recommend that a separate GTIN be used for each packaging type, if no GTINs are available (yet) then a different item code with the addition of:

  • The number of use units of the packaging; or
  • The packaging code
Item Code Description Packaging Code Orderable
12345  Installation cable 1 metre (unpacked) no
12345_100 Installation cable 100 metre roll yes
12345_500 Installation cable 500 metre reel yes

Price information with effective date in the future

In order to respond properly and promptly to changes in the market, wholesalers and installers want to have new price information available three months before the effective date. The Data Pool makes it possible to ‘prepare’ one or more price records per item (provided with a Price Effective Date) and make them available to the data consumers.

2BA offers the possibility to ‘prepare’ one or more price records per item and make them available to data customers. We call these future prices.

When a price is provided with a start date in the future, it is recognized within the 2BA data pool as a future price. Multiple prices can be associated with an item. All price information is immediately available to data customers after the day it is uploaded (depending on the chosen file format). Users are automatically notified by email when prices with a specific date become available. A prerequisite is that a user has included the data provider in their selection profile.

Of course, you are dependent on the possibilities of your software package. Contact your software supplier to discuss options

For more information, please refer to the documentation on file formats.

Commodity code

The commodity code lists are specified by Eurostat in the Combined Nomenclature (CN). This Combined Nomenclature contains the commodity classification prescribed by the European Union for the statistics of the International Trade in Goods. The GN is an 8-digit format. The annual changes are the result of adjustments that are necessary for both customs and statistics.

The HS code (also called HS code) is taken by the EU member states as the basis for the commodity code. The final commodity code is the 6-digit GS / HS code extended with 2 digits at the 7th and 8th position. See also

  • The code list is updated annually to the lastest CBS version
  • The specified commodity codes are validated during the processing of the data

TARIC code
The TARIC coding is a subdivision at positions 9 and 10 further specified by customs.

Real-time stock and net prices

If your organisation provides a stock and/or net price through a web service, or intends to develop it, then these web services can be linked to the Online Condition Server of 2BA. With this link, your customers have access to real-time stock and/or their (own) net price information (through authentication) of your items, for example in the 2BA Unifeed search engine or in their own ERP environment.

Possible options for the stock web service:

  • Stock available yes/no; this is indicated by a tick or cross.
  • The number in stock; this is indicated by the specific number in stock.


Assortments are a collection of articles that fall within a certain group and have an umbrella name. For example, a supplier of electricity, sanitary and heating products can subdivide its range into specific groups. Assortments give users of selection profiles the option to select one or more sub-ranges instead of the entire range. Something that can make a significant difference in the amount of data to be received (and the processing thereof).