Step 3: Provide Product Information

In the third step, basic product information is added to the aforementioned trade information. This refers to the product information in its most basic form. Basically, the manufacturer/producer is responsible for the correct product data. That data constitutes the identification of the product.

This basic information consists of:

  • Product Identifcation (including GTIN, product code and description)
  • Brand, series and type (possibility of subdivision/filtering)
  • Commercial Information (attachments

Out of production

When a product is no longer produced, it is still important that the product data is and remains available in the data pool. Bear in mind that suppliers may still have the item in stock and thus still offer it, for example, through the web store. Product data can also be used for once-processed products (for example the successor and attachments such as certificates and manuals). Products that are out of production must be recognisable to the data customer by means of Status code 130.

Series and type

The series and type to which the product belongs is primarily a marketing-driven classification. This data is often used in brochures and/or product sheets, as a filter option in web stores and websites and often used in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). The fields are particularly important if your product is sold through third parties.

If your organisation does not have a series and/or type, you can indicate this with the value RNV_NA. This value stands for ReasonNoValue; Not Available. 

  • Data receivers do not receive this value when they receive your data through the data pool
  • The radar Data Label shows series and type including value RNV_NA
  • The statistics view contains an additional counter for series and type with the number of products without value RNV_NA

Please do not use this value if your software package does not offer the option of entering series and type for a product!

Consult the data requirements summary to gain insight into what data is expected by your customers.

The following distinctions are made when assessing which organisations have the ‘right’ to supply and maintain product data:

Manufacturer and producer

The parties who have an undisputed right to a product and/or trademark. From a data point of view, manufacturers and producers are similar companies; they provide the product and trade data under their own GLN.

Importer and agent

An importer or agent can be appointed by 2BA to supply product data on behalf of a manufacturer or producer. The product data is supplied under the GLN of the relevant manufacturer and is labelled with the correct brand; the trade records are supplied under the GLN of the own organisation. Such a right is temporary and can only be assigned in consultation with 2BA.

Manufacturer’s declaration

To avoid discussion with other parties, it is recommended to submit an official statement of agreement signed by the manufacturer to 2BA, for which you can download the concept here.


Wholesalers have no way of supplying product data. Possible exceptions may be OEM or proprietary products.