2BA Logo Deeplink Contract


Type of contract + number of employees

Annual rate 2025 (excl. VAT)
FEDET member
Annual rate 2025 (excl. VAT)
No FEDET member
2BA Logo Deeplink € 2.067,20 € 2.432,00
  2BA & ETIM Combi < 30 employees € 2.650,30 € 3.118,00
  2BA & ETIM Combi 30-50 employees € 3.250,40 € 3.824,00
  2BA & ETIM Combi > 50 employees € 4.143,75 € 4.875,00
  Membership with FEDET entitles you to a 15% discount on the rate. Please note that no discount is calculated on discount.

Additional contracts

Annual rate 2025 (excl. VAT)


  2BA Uniforme Objecten Bibliotheek
(UOB, Uniform Objects Library)
€ 4.863,00 € 5.000,00 start-up costs (one-off)

KetenstandaardThe 2BA Logo-Deeplink contract also includes the basic membership of Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek. This gives you access to mijn.ketenstandaard.nl and you will be kept informed of the latest developments regarding digital standards, in particular ETIM.

The 2BA Logo-Deeplink contract offers the following options:
    • Information and support on first delivery
      What is expected of your relations and what rules should you take into account? When you have decided to make your range uniformly and up-to-date available to your customers, there is always an extensive on-boarding period prior to which you can expect the necessary support from your regular contact person at 2BA.
    • Press release on first publication of data
      If your data is of sufficient quality to publish for the first time, all 2BA participants will be informed by a news message, supplemented with your company presentation. In addition, the LinkedIn community will be informed. Of course, the success of availability also lies in the hands of your own marketing department.
    • Data supply with reporting and distribution, regardless of frequency and volume of delivery
      It is very important that your ‘digital twin’ is always up to date and available to your relationship as completely as possible. There is no maximum limit on updating or adding data. With every data publication you will receive an extensive report to bring your data to an optimal level.
    • Display thumbnails for all yout products within 2BA search engine Unifeed
      From your product data, a thumbnail of the first image is automatically created so that your product is optimally presented within the 2BA search engine Unifeed.
    • Annual quality survey, customer statistics and quarterly reports
      Every quarter you will receive a progress report of the available data on 2BA, and an annual progress meeting will take place to bring your data to the highest level.
    • Presentation page
      With the presentation page, you can bring your company to the attention of the data buyers of 2BA. This allows you to present your company but also to present your delivery programme, delivery terms, account managers, etc.
    • Company logo
      Within Unifeed and the overview of data suppliers, you are instantly recognisable by your company logo.
    • Deep links
      For both a product and trade record, there is the possibility of communicating a deep link. For example, a deep link can be a URL to a specific product page on your website, web store or online catalogue.
    • Attachments (digital assets)
      Product records can be enriched with various attachments or digital assets. Digital assets include files such as images, multimedia or content. Not only installers but also wholesalers have a great need for complete and comprehensive product information about your products.
    • Data statistics and customer interest
      The statistics overview provides insight into the quality of your data. With this valuable overview, you can take your data, even within your organisation, to the next level. With the customer interest overview, you have access to those organisations that are interested in the product and trade dates of your organisation. In addition to your regular customers, you also have your potential audience in view!
  • News
    The moment your delivery program has the Data Label that the industry expects, your data will be included in the data pool. At the time of going online, a news item will be sent to all 2BA participants. This news item brings your organisation and delivery programme to the attention of the industry once again!

The Terms and conditions Conditions of 2BA apply to all our agreements. Rates per year.  For the number of employees, the entire organisation is considered as the sum of the formation in FTE and the average size of the flexible shell.