Premium PIM Software Partners
Data exchange between applications of PIM Software Partners and the 2BA Data Pool is reviewed annually against the criteria in effect at the time. The test consists of the complete and correct processing of a data file supplied by 2BA. This guarantees that a data supplier with the application of the 2BA PIM Premium Software Partner is technically able to achieve the highest score on the 2BA Data Label Label.
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The criteria for this year:
- Support for at least one current exchange format and associated mapping to the 2BA Data Pool
- Support of the ETIM Classification (including ETIM dynamic)
- Support of ETIM MC for the benefit of the open Uniforme Objecten Bibliotheek (UOB, Uniform Objects Library)*
* or issued a written statement to do so within 3 months or will do so when a manufacturer presents itself.
Software Partners
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In addition to the above software partners, there are also various software links with:
2B-IT, Acconet VOF, ARGE Neue Medien, Arkey Systems B.V., Assetlog B.V., Become-IT, Black Snow B.V., Bluedesk E-Business B.V., Breex Nederland B.V., Brink Software b.v., BRIS bv, Business Barrier Busters B.V., CAD & Company, Cadix, Creative Technocrats Consultancy, CTAC, Epartment E-commerce B.V., Ersite Webdesign, ETIM International, Flinker Ontwikkeling, Fluxility, Fortex Software, GAC Business Solutions, HSO Innovation, i am digital, IFS Benelux B.V., Irixs B.V. (v/h Forque Advisory Services Netherlands b.v.), Isah Nederland, ISSO, Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek B.V., Madaster, Maintenanz / Ecologium, MainVision B.V., Manuel, Marshmallow, Mijn Software Solutions B.V., Octo, Onetrail, P.B. Software & Internet, poort8, Productivity, ProfitFlow B.V., Pylades BV, Quintera Software, R. Hamacher (ordina / ex waternet), RE-IT B.V., S for Software B.V., Sales Layer Tech SL, scireum GmbH, SEEable, Select NX B.V., Service Planner, Sidekick, Sienn Nederland, Softwareshaker, Steyo Holding B.V., Tambien, Troublefree B.V., Twintopics BV, B.V., Vicus eBusiness Solutions BV, Witas bvba, Youwe