Renumbering procedure

What is renumbering?
If the assortment remains the same but other (order) numbers are used. For example, when the trade item and/or product number changes from 123456 to a1a2a3 while it concerns the same product or trade item.
An assortment that is completely replaced by another assortment does not fall under renumbering and can be regarded as adding or removing.

Potentially major impact for (data) processors and your customers

database schema

A renumbering can have a major impact for your customers! Your data may be included in various (including ERP, PIM or CAD) systems. That is why it is very important that your relations (customers of your data) are informed in time of an upcoming renumbering.

This prevents:

  1. Duplicates with product and/or trade items within the systems of your relations
  2. Broken links, for e.g. CAD designs, calculations, order lists or invoices
  3. Broken links between ETIM Classification, attachments and matching records
  4. Orders with outdated product and/or item numbers
Length of product and/or trade items

When choosing new product and/or trade item to be used, it is important that you take into account that there are various software packages available with a maximum field length of 17 characters. By limiting the numbers to a maximum of 17 characters, you prevent product and/or trade items from NOT being read by your relations.

Clear communication

Due to the impact mentioned above, it is important that data customers are informed in good time and are able to make the necessary adjustments in their own system(s). We recommend that you jointly coordinate communication with data customers and draw up a schedule for this. In addition, it is of course also important that your own organization is aware of the renumbering.

The exchange format provides successor and predecessor fields for both product and trade items to communicate the renumbering to data customers.
It is very important not to delete the old product and/or trade items immediately, but to provide them with a valid successor and status code. We recommend that you obtain information in advance from your PIM software supplier.

Role 2BA and responsibility data supplier

Of course we provide guidance with a renumbering procedure, but the ultimate responsibility always lies with you as a data supplier. If we carry out the majority of the renumbering, there may be a financial contribution based on subsequent calculation.

Checklist renumbering:

Coordination between data supplier and your internal contact person is of great importance. Carefully coordinate which moments are chosen to ensure that the renumbering runs smoothly. For a correct implementation, the following points must be coordinated:

  • Contact person renumbering
  • Date of renumbering announcement (2BA news item)
  • Date of actual renumbering
  • Reason for renumbering
  • Concept text announcement renumbering
  • Current dataset with successors
  • New dataset with predecessors
  • Renumbering table in Excel and CSV format (1st column old numbering/2nd column new numbering)

1. Planning

  1. Publish dataset 1 with currently valid numbers with successors
  2. Publish news item (by 2BA)
    At least 10 working days later:
  3. Publish dataset 2 with predecessors.

2. Datasets and step-by-step plan

Two datasets must be supplied:

Dataset 1: assortment with current product and/or trade items

    • Successors (both product/article and possibly GTIN successor)
    • Status code ‘Discontinued’

To avoid duplicates within the database, published GTINs must be removed beforehand with dataset 1 from 2BA.The GTINs can then be added again with the actual renumbering (dataset 2).

Dataset 2: assortment with new product and/or article numbers

  • Predecessors (both product/trade item and possibly GTIN predecessor)
  • Status code ‘New’

If necessary, consult the accompanying documentation for the exchange format used.

3. Renumbering table

Within various software applications, the renumbering is possibly processed via a renumbering table. In addition, a renumbering table can also serve as a check and/or reference work. The renumbering table, submitted in .XLS and .CSV (semicolon separated) file format, must be made available (hosted) by your own organization. The link to the renumbering table will be included in the pre-announcement..

  • 1st column the old trade item
  • 2nd column the new trade item