Process parameters

Process parameters offer the option of including extra tasks and/or relevant information in the data processing.

The various process parameters can be delivered in the file parameters.xml. This file can be included with the delivery of the dataset (ZIP of 7-ZIP file) with every kind of file format (INSBOU, BMEcat or PAB).

Possible parameters
ElementPermitted valueDescription
GeneratedByText, maximum 255 charactersThis parameter allows you to indicate through which software package the dataset was delivered. This parameter does not affect the processing.
PackageDescriptionText. Maximum 255 charactersThe ‘PackageDescription’ field allows you to allocate a certain description to a data delivery. This text will be displayed in the processing report. One possible value might be: ‘Data delivery Q3’. This parameter does not affect the processing.
SendReportToEmailText. Maximum 255 characters. According to the format of an email address.

The email address to which the processing report is sent. When this field is empty, the data supplier’s email address will be used. Important! If this parameter is submitted, the report will not be sent to the email address of the account which delivers the dataset! It is possible to submit multiple email addresses by separating them with a semicolon (;).

Sample value:;



Standard value NL

It is possible to display the error notifications in the processing report in another language. If no translation of a particular error notification is available, the standard, generally Dutch, language notification will be used. For the time being, only Dutch and English translations are available.

true; false

Standard value: false

With some formats, including BMEcat 1.2, items and products are loaded simultaneously. By setting this option to ‘true’, you can exclude the loading of products.

true; false

Standard value: false

SkipLoadProducts now applies only to items and price information.

true; false

Standard value: false

As SkipLoadProducts, now applies only to excluding the price information.

true; false

Standard value: false

SkipLoadAttachments=true any attachments/references included will not be read.
InteractiveChecks complete set<InteractiveChecks>
<Check Code=”7000160″ SolutionId=”###”/>

When delivering a complete dataset with attachments, it’s possible to determine the action of how the attachments (delivered or not) should be treated, by means of the SolutionId. Possible SolutionId (###):
106 = Keep attachments not delivered and work mutations
108 = Delete existing attachments not delivered with the product (or product number)

NB. If both Check Code 7000160 and 7000161 are included in the <InteractiveChecks> element, the check to be carried out will depend on the type of dataset (mutation or complete) delivered.

InteractiveChecks mutatie set<InteractiveChecks>
<Check Code=”7000161″ SolutionId=”###”/>

When delivering a complete dataset with attachments, it’s possible to determine the action of how the attachments (delivered or not) should be treated, by means of the SolutionId. Possible SolutionId (###):
165 = Delete all attachments not delivered with the product numbers delivered
166 = Mutation set applied as submitted (attachments not delivered kept)
NB. If both Check Code 7000160 and 7000161 are included in the <InteractiveChecks> element, the check to be carried out will depend on the type of dataset (mutation or complete) delivered.


true; false

Standard value: false

By setting this parameter to ‘true’, it is possible to overwrite the standard method of a certain format by means of the PackageMutationCode parameter. The BMEcat format is by design a complete data delivery. It can happen that this file still has to be processed as a mutation delivery. In that case, through this parameter combined with the PackageMutationCode parameter, the file can still be processed as a mutation delivery.

“ReplaceExistingCatalog”; “UpdateExistingCatalog”

Standard value ReplaceExistingCatalog

With the PackageMutationCode, it is possible to request that the dataset be processed either as complete or as a mutation. This parameter only applies if OverrulPackageMutationCode is on ‘true’.

  • “ReplaceExistingCatalog”; the dataset will be processed as complete
  • “UpdateExistingCatalog”; the dataset will be processed as a mutation.

Semicolon separated list of BMEcat MIME codes like MD99;MD12 or * for all possible codes

Use this parameter when an BMEcat MIME code should retain the specified source URL (excepted: MD01, MD02, MD20, MD23, MD24, MD25, MD26, MD27, MD28, MD29, MD30, MD47 (BME 5.0) MD59, MD65.)


true; false

Standard value: false


Important: the file name of the parameters file is parameters.xml (download an example)

The elements are case sensitive.

Example – Delete all attachments

The example below will delete all attachments

<UCProcessParameters xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
	<PackageDescription>Aanlevering attachments compleet</PackageDescription>