
This article applies only to the scenario ‘saved conditions’. condities”


The calculation of the net price is a complex matter, due to the number of variables and supporting situations. It is therefore not unimportant for interested parties to know how the calculation works. 2BA follows the systematic as described in ‘IC wijzigingsverzoek 2012/003’ by the CCB&I (the commission for communication standards for the constructions and installations sectors).

Provisions, exceptions and beyond scope

A number of provisions apply to the calculation. The basic provisions are:

  • The conditions must be correct according to the model imported (no negative prices or percentages; no percentages >100%)
  • The conditions must be up to date (commencing date condition >= now and < closing date condition)
  • ‘Gross price processing surcharge’ from the item message will be completely ignored
  • ‘Follow indication manufacturer’s price’ from the item message will be completely ignored
  • ‘Surcharges and discounts’ from the item message (such as disposal charge) will be ignored in the calculation The total of discounts and surcharges can however be added after calculation.

Net price selection

The net price is collected/calculated by taking the following steps:
For every step (main step), a price will be returned if found/possible  

    1. Project conditions (only if a project number has been submitted)
      The basis is determined by the first match with the provisions from the options below.
      1. Item number Discount group exact: Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on exact discount group and project number
        1. Net price based on item number and project number
        2. Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on item number and project number
      2. Discount group exact: Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on exact discount group and project number
      3. Discount group wild card: Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on wild card discount group (longest match applies) and project number
    2. Special offer conditions
      The basis is determined by the first match with the provisions from the options below.
      1. Item number
        1. Net price based on item number
        2. Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on item number
      2. Discount group exact: Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on exact discount group
      3. Discount group wild card: Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on wild card discount group (longest match applies)
    3. Basic ondition
      The basis is determined by the first match with the provisions from the options below.
    1. Item number
      1. Net price based item number
      2. Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on item number
    2. Discount group exact: Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on exact discount group
    3. Discount group wild card: Discount percentage(s) processed over gross price based on wild card discount group (longest match applies)
  1. Nett price from item information
    The net price from the item information will be optionally included in the call-up
  2. Gross price from item information
    The net price from the item information will be optionally included in the call-up

The net price calculated or selected is excluding tax (btw) and discounts/surcharges defined at item level as disposal charge, collection discount etc.
It is possible that no price will be returned.


Example situations


Input item information Input condition Output  Comment
gross price net price or discount original gross price; net price calculated  
gross price original gross price  
net price net price original net price; net price calculated  
net price discount  
net price original net price  
gross price, net price net price or discount original gross price; orginal net price, net price calculated  
gross price, net price original gross price; original net price  
net price net price calculated  

‘Price on request’ Indicator

Within the item information, it is possible to submit ‘Price on request’ through an indicator. This indicator does not affect the processing or calculation of the net price. This indicator does not even go to the Condition Server. Any handling of this indicator should take place on receipt of the ERP package.

Discount percentage

10% discount on a gross price of €250 results in a net price of:   € 250 – (10% of € 250)
  € 250 – (€ 25)
  € 225
100% discount on a gross price of €75 results in a net price of: € 75 – (100% of € 75)
  € 75 – (€ 75)
  € 0

Net price = Gross price – (percentage/100 * gross price) or
Net price = Gross price * (1-[percentage/100])


Discount on discount

Although it can be calculate back to one percent mathematically, it is possible to submit the discount percentage in three separate percentages (disount1, discount2 and discount3). Discount1 of 75%, discount2 of 10% and discount3 of 2% result in a total discount of 77.95%.


Total percentage = 100 ((((100-percentage1))*((100-percentage2))*((100-percentage3)))/10000)
Net price = Gross price *(1-(percentage1/100)) * (1-(percentage2/100)) * (1-(percentage3/100))