Product Attachments (Digital assets)


Visual support in combination with additional information is just as important for optimum product positioning. Products can therefore be enriched with attachments, also called digital assets.

Digital assets are primarily used by wholesalers to support product information on the Internet, both online and print communications such as catalogues, leaflets, newsletters and flyers. In addition, attachments are available to the customer.

The basic principle is that a product is provided with at least one free cut image without background and drop shadow preferably in high resolution. Refer to the data model for the minimum required specifications.

Digital assets include files such as:

  • Photographic material (incl. metadata)
  • Certificates and datasheets
  • Technical documents, such as drawings, diagrams, specifications
  • User manuals and processing instructions
  • Animations, diagrams and drawings
  • CAD/3D objects and symbols