Products Techniek Nederland, also important for manufacturers


The product data from the 2BA database are also used by your customers in various Techniek Nederland services, such as Calculation Time Standards, FGO+ and the system label calculator.

Calculation time standards

The Techniek Nederland calculation time standards offer the corresponding assembly time in work hours for each product or recipe in order to use them as the basis for a calculation (also of time). The Techniek Nederland calculation time standards have been compiled accurately and in detail by time standards specialists in the industry. The installer can subscribe to 2BA for Calculation Time Standards linked to your products. In the 2BA datapool, products are classified according to the ETIM standard. Based on this ETIM product class, the Techniek Nederland calculation time standards are linked to it. These assembly standards can therefore be automatically displayed with the product during the estimation.

FGO+ (manufacture-related maintenance guidelines)

fgopluslogoOn the FGO+ website you will find maintenance data and fault codes for over 1,200 heating appliances with a load of up to 130 kW. The number of devices is growing every year. Standard maintenance forms have been prepared for these devices, which can be used in daily practice. These are the maintenance points, the setting data, but also the fault and service codes. These forms can be completed by the installer online and stored locally in the customer’s local maintenance file.

System Label Calculator

SYsteemlabel260 European regulations require installation companies to generate energy labels for a combination of devices; this is known as the system label or package label. To enable installers to provide their customers with the correct labels quickly and correctly, Techniek Nederland, ISSO and 2BA have developed an online calculator. This handy calculation tool is available free of charge to members of Techniek Nederland. The calculator works on tablets, smartphones and computers.

In this appendix you will find the products and associated ETIM product class + features that apply to this System Label Calculator. If you would like to provide data for this calculator, please get in touch with 2BA.

Techniek Nederland

TechniekNederlandFor access to the services of Techniek Nederland we refer to:

Techniek Nederland Memberservice
T: +3179 325 07 90