File exchange with 2BA

Data transfer through standard messaging

For error-free transfer of product and trade item data from manufacturer and wholesaler to the 2BA data pool, the applicable exchange formats, such as the international standard ETIM xChange, the Dutch standard DICO (SALES005) or the BMEcat 2005 ETIM Guidelines catalogue message are used.

 2BA supports the following exchange formats:
Format Import Export Description
*** preferred ***
    XML-based exchange format (successor of INSBOU) developed by Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek.
ETIM xChange     JSON exchange format developed by ETIM International
BMECat 2005 V5.0        Most up-to-date version 5.0 (incl. ETIM Guidelines) by BMEcat administered by ETIM International.

2BA Webservices


  The 2BA Webservices are basic, lightweight and fast services to integrate your systems with the 2BA database. Via web services you can search our database, retrieve product or article details and, for example, download your selection profiles automatically.

Different mapping rules apply to the various exchange formats. Refer to the detailed documentation for information.

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Condition messages (ICC messages)

The condition message, also called ICC message, is an exchange format that allows the purchase conditions (discounts granted by the supplier to the buyer on certain item groups or net prices) on trade articles to be communicated. A condition means a standard or customer-specific agreement regarding prices, net prices or discounts per item or item group. The standard described does not provide for the exchange of customer-specific or non-customer-specific agreements on orders for specific projects or agreements on prices or discounts related to purchase numbers or purchase amounts.

For uniform communication of trade data, it is very important that items fall into a predetermined discount group. The discount code is allocated by the supplier to a group of items that belong together. All items belonging to a certain discount group have the same discount for a customer. The codes are bilaterally agreed by way of the condition message.

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The manufacturer as source

intro installateur

The source for all product information within the 2BA data pool is the manufacturer or their importer or agent, if applicable. They provide 2BA with all their product and trade data, including all associated ETIM technical attribute values, digital assets and product references and relationships.

In order to classify products correctly and to add the correct ETIM characteristics, more and more manufacturers are using what is known as PIM (Product Management Information) software. Given the time saved and the greatly reduced chance of errors when delivering the product data correctly to 2BA, a well-functioning PIM system can now be considered almost indispensable.

The wholesaler as user and source

intro installateur

In turn, the wholesaler uses the classified product information stored in 2BA, including any digital assets added by the manufacturer, such as images, certificates, product sheets and manuals. Using the manufacturer’s product information as a basis, the wholesaler adds their relevant trade information in 2BA. This should include things like the gross price, packaging unit and the GTIN (formerly EAN code).

In this way, the price information linked to manufacturer products is provided by the wholesaler to the customers through 2BA. The wholesaler can be considered both a data buyer (from the manufacturer) and a data supplier for the customer (read: the installer).

Installer as end customer

intro installateur

The installer benefits from the product and trade data jointly provided by the manufacturer and wholesaler. From their own ERP software system, they are offered the option of searching online in the 2BA data pool and, in this way, quickly selecting the articles they need and then use them, for example, in their CAD environment (through UOB) and/or in the calculation and purchasing process.