Efficient data retrieval

The 2BA Data Pool now contains millions of technical trade products from more than 1,200 manufacturers, with product and trade data updated periodically by more than 500 manufacturers and 150 wholesalers. However, you don’t need all this available data transferred to your software package; you only want to receive the data from the suppliers you do business with.


In order to transfer the desired data to your software, 2BA offers the following options:

  • In file form (‘in batch’) through periodic downloads
  • Real-time in the 2BA Unifeed search engine
  • Real-time from your own application with the help of Web Services

In file form (‘in batch’) through download

To receive the desired data in file form, 2BA has developed a very sophisticated tool: the 2BA Selection Profile. Using the Selection Profile, you define which supplier(s) you want to receive the data from. In addition to the choice of suppliers, you can make refinements for each supplier, including to specific ETIM product class(es), discount groups or ranges of item codes. You also specify the exchange format in which you want to receive the linked data, at which frequency you want to receive the output, and whether you want only the mutations or a complete output. You can expand and/or modify your selection profile, once configured, in the MY management environment at any time.

* Agree the exchange format with your software supplier.

Real-time in the 2BA Unifeed search engine

Also called Data As A Service (DAAS) or Open Catalogue Interface (OCI). 2BA offers an ETIM-based search engine: Unifeed. Unifeed offers search, find and retrieval of product and trade information across the entire data pool. Unifeed works together with Web Services and supports the transfer to local of both single and data selections. The information found can (if the local software package supports it) be directly applied in ERP software (calculation, order preparation) or CAD environment.

Real-time from your own application with the help of Web Services

In addition to implementing or calling up the Unifeed search engine, the functionalities can also be implemented through Web Services. The 2BA Web Services are basic, lightweight and fast services which allow your systems to integrate with the 2BA database. We offer services with which to search our database, retrieve product or item details, and services to automatically download your selection profiles, for example.

We offer our services through JSON (Rest services) and SOAP (XML service).