ERP Software Suppliers

2BA offers various possibilities for making product and related trade data and calulation time standards of Techniek Nederland available to users of your application(s):

  • Direct linking through Web Services (SOAP and JSON)
  • Integration of the 2BA Unifeed where product and/or trade items data can be acquired directly
  • Downloading datasets through the current exchange formats, whether automated or not, through Web Services
In batch or real-time, it’s up to you

Product- and related trade items (such as order- and logistical data) can be viewed from the 2BA database through periodic downloads in the ERP software of installation and assembly companies. In addition, a growing number of software parties support the Unifeed search engine developed by 2BA. This allows the user to search via their own software in the 2BA Data Pool and to directly transfer the selected items in their system. Filter options on ETIM product classes and/or features offer an important tool to find the right product fast.

It is also possible for wholesalers or manufacturers to publish their own data on 2BA in addition to downloading product and trade data. It is then important that your software seamlessly connects to the data needs of the sector and the current exchange formats applicable within the sector.

What does 2BA offer you as an ERP software supplier?

  • Support in implementing the current exchange formats and Web services
  • Support in implementing the 2BA Unifeed search engine
  • Possibly a test environment for offering datasets
  • Insight into the data needs of the market
  • Inclusion in the 2BA Software Partner overview

List of ERP Software Partners

Are you interested?

Of course, there is much more to be coordinated between you as a potential partner and 2BA. So register now, and a 2BA staff member will get in touch with you to schedule an appointment for a visit. During this no-strings-attached meeting, we will discuss all the possibilities 2BA offers and, if necessary, a route can already be determined for you to join as a 2BA partner.