
Shipbuilder & 2BA support OMDS

Shipbuilder is the first maritime software supplier that, in collaboration with 2BA, makes it possible for companies to unlock product information within their projects based on the One Maritime Data Standard.

With this we want to give the maritime sector an innovation boost. This gives maritime engineers time to do what they are really good at. We want to improve the continuity and profitability of the maritime sector with this.

  • Type of participant: software partner
  • Via downloads
  • Since 2020
“We found the solution in collaboration with 2BA: the maritime product data portal.”

Geert Schouten, director Shipbuilder

Expensive input work for products is greatly reduced through collaboration with 2BA

Manually entering products and product specifications before and during the construction of ships, yachts and superyachts costs maritime companies thousands of hours of expensive and tedious input work. The Shipbuilder team believes that this has to be done differently, better and, above all, faster.

Geert Schouten, director at Shipbuilder: ‘We see that engineers at maritime companies spend many hours on expensive input work for products and product specifications. Work that is not fun and that always costs maritime companies a lot of money. We have found the solution for this in the collaboration with 2BA: the portal for maritime product data. Based on the One Maritime Data Standard (OMDS), our customers can now search the catalogs of an increasing number of maritime suppliers. That has many surprising advantages.”

This is How Shipbuilder SENSE Helps You Improve Your Maritime Project
Images: Shipbuilder
Speed up lead time, improve projects

Schouten: ‘With our software, maritime projects are fully supervised from A to Z. We immediately saw that integration of the 2BA portal within our software accelerates the throughput speed of a maritime project. Because: a large part of the entire manual input process of products and the associated specifications can now be skipped.

This information can usually be added to the project with 1 mouse click. Because the digital catalogs of the suppliers are based on the One Maritime Data Standard and these can increasingly be found in 2BA’s database, companies have direct insight into which products are available within their wishes and search criteria. They can improve their projects because they can also directly compare products. And they may discover even better products for their project. Products they might never have found otherwise.’

Always current, correct data

‘What we also often see is that maritime companies work with outdated specifications of products or even calculate with products that are no longer available on the market at all. A team often only finds out about this during the course of a project, which means that they have to go to the drawing board again. That will be prevented from now on. Because maritime suppliers themselves keep the data within the 2BA data pool according to the OMDS standard, shipyards have the guarantee that they are continuously working with the correct information.’

Read more about 2BA and One Maritime Data Standard (OMDS)