CAD Suppliers

Larger clients in construction and installation in particular require asset management, information and insight. Based on legislation and regulations, more and more data of the processed products must be recorded in delivery documents, management software and what is known as the ‘digital twin’ of the completed building. And what’s more, installation companies want to take the next step towards building, maintaining and managing smarter and more efficiently. All of this is only possible with standardised data that is shareable between all parties in the chain, regardless of the software platform used.

For this purpose, the Uniforme Objecten Bibliotheek (UOB, Uniform Objects Library) has been developed in the installation industry. As a CAD vendor, you can make a smart UOB plug-in available in your software. This plug-in enables the modeller to generate manufacturer-specific 3D objects based on a template object defined by ETIM, combining it with the geometric data (ETIM-MC) of the manufacturer. The modeller then has manufacturer-specific 3D CAD libraries, but now generated in real-time through the 2BA Data Pool!

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UOB Initiators:

Initiatiefnemers UOB

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Of course, there is much more to be coordinated between you as a potential partner and 2BA. So register now, and a 2BA staff member will get in touch with you to schedule an appointment for a visit. During this no-strings-attached meeting, we will discuss all the possibilities 2BA offers and, if necessary, a route can already be determined for you to join as a 2BA partner.