2BA’s future strategy

Next step tot data awareness!

As far back as 2004, the collection, validation and distribution of classified and linked product and price information has formed the core service element of 2BA. These services are primarily provided for manufacturers, agents, importers, distributors, wholesalers, construction and installation companies, machine manufacturers and system integrators.

Thanks to the Internet, 2BA now offers the possibility not only of converting complete suppliers’ catalogues but also, on the basis of ETIM product classification, of searching for products in a targeted fashion, selecting those who supply them and taking over their product data. 

Naturally, 2BA is not resting on its laurels, but already focusing on other sectors and services too. 2BA’s future strategy has been developed on the basis of the following themes:>/p>

  1. Improve
  2. Expand
  3. Intensify
  4. Renew
  5. Connect



The intention here is to be continually involved in raising the quality of the product and trade data supplied in the 2BA database for the customers to the highest standard possible. For example, 2BA is now making this quality transparent for each supplier with the help of a graphic ‘radar view’ and by being set against the specific needs of certain target groups as defined with the 2BA Data Label. In other words: The better the product data supplied meets the wishes of the different kinds of buyers, the higher the label score. This score is expressed per component in three categories: +, ++ and +++ (the maximum score).



By expanding, more or less the same product data are applied more broadly. Manufacturers who invest a lot of time in their product data consequently get more for their money

Belgian market


2BA now makes its data distribution platform available to the Belgian market too, under the name of InstallData. By doing so, 2BA facilitates the data pool for the FESAH (Federation of Sanitary and Heating). There are still a number of differences between the Belgian InstallData and 2BA in the Netherlands, such as:

  • This data pool is limited to data exchange between manufacturer and wholesaler.
  • InstallData is limited to the WTB (mechanical engineering sector).
  • Installers are not as yet data customers.
  • Contracts for participation in InstallData are organised through the FESAH. 2BA facilitates all further activities.
  • Since there is no Belgian branch of ETIM, 2BA also offers ETIM classification services for de Belgian market.
Maritime sector


In 2017, OMDS (One Maritime Data Standard, a steering group for uniform item management in the maritime sector consisting of representatives of Royal IHC, Damen Shipyards Group, Royal Boskalis Westminster and Koninklijke Van Oord) chose 2BA as a platform for the intended standardisation and digitisation of product and price information in the shipping industry. A number of specific classes and features of products have been added to the ETIM classification model especially for this business sector..


Initiatiefnemers UOB

Applying uniform data through 2BA therefore offers important benefits for the entire maritime business sectors from now on, including:

  • Finding parts on board will be simpler thanks to the addition of the ETIM classification
  • Ordering parts will be less error-prone due to unique numbering (GTIN and/or GLN with product number)
  • Dispatching items will go faster due to availability of logistics data (also international)
  • The design of new ships can be improved
  • Standardised and classified product data contributes significantly to the realisation of the ‘digital twin’
  • The sector will have a greater resilience to modification to legislation and regulations

There are now more and more contacts being maintained by 2BA with ship and yacht builders, manufacturers, wholesalers, systems integrators, installers, and software suppliers in the shipping industry.

Water Authorities and boards and municipal water companies

Finally a number of water Authorities and boards, as well as some municipal water companies have signed up at 2BA in order to make use of the productdata as stored in our datapool. The activities on behalf of suppliers as well as material handlers within these branches are also considered strategic at 2BA and will be expanded step by step.


Open Uniforme Objecten BibliotheekWhen we say intensify, we mean we’re going to dig a bit deeper, with more data about the same product. So, the manufacturer will have to provide more data to make their products directly applicable in other areas/processes too (the 3D CAD world, for example). As mentioned in the introduction, 2BA offers its services mainly to installation companies, machine manufacturers and systems integrators. In addition to a number of new markets (see above), 2BA continues to further explore its familiar environments through such platforms as the Uniforme Objecten Bibliotheek (UOB) being a uniform CAD objects library. Because as co-devisor of ETIM-MC (Modelling Classes) and the accompanying UOB concept, 2BA is closely involved as participant, financier, and developer in the bringing of the UOB to full maturity..


Initiatiefnemers UOB

By the sector and for the sector

The UOB is being developed by and for the sector. Together with Techniek Nederland, FME, Fedet, ETIM-Nederland (through Ketenstandaard) and 2BA, the major technical service providers and important manufacturers are the driving force behind the platform. Data company 2BA is responsible for operating the object library and collaborates closely with CIC (Cadax Itannex Cooperation) on the technical developments.
BIM experts and engineers from several installation companies have joined manufacturers’ product experts in determining the conditions the library and the software should meet. One unique condition is that the UOB is an open platform. Open stands for independent in terms of manufacturer and software..


2BA is 90% based on IT technology and in that, consists of various server domains. Naturally, these are continually maintained according to the latest state of the art technology. But they are also periodically completely rebuilt for the longer term. For example, because existing technologies are phased out and/or no longer meet 2BA demands in the long term.


2BA maintains close contacts with an increasingly large number of branch organisations. Central to these contacts are open communication and an optimum collaboration for 2BA business relations. Some of their names: Techniek Nederland, ISSO, CRG, STABU, BIMregisterKetenstandaard Bouw en Techniek, ETIM International, GS1, FME, Open UOB, FESAH, OMDS, NMT, ETG, TGF, ETIC and DGC.


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