Specification price to order details examples

When exchanging item data, it is extremely important that it is clear how the item can be ordered (minimum order quantity, order multiple and order unit measure), what the price of the item is (price and/or conversion price) and the quantity of that the item (the quantity of use units). Because the ‘number of units in pricebasis’ can be used in different ways, such as priced per meter and sold per piece, but also priced per 1000 pieces and sold per 250 pieces, it is important that an uniform specification of the units is used.

In the overview below you will find the most common situations (examples in dutch, english version will follow).
Download the dataset here in the format you prefer, such as DICO / SALES005, BMEcat 2005 ETIM V4.0 or BMEcat 2005 ETIM V5.0

ProductDescriptionPackagingAssuming aTrade item
productledlamp1 LED-lamp1 piece in 1 boxprice per piecelamp
productledlamp10 LED-lamps10 pieces in 1 boxprice per 10 piecesdoos10lampen
kabel1 cable (with connector)1 piece in 1 bopxprice per piecekabel
kabel1 cable (without connector)1 piece (unpackaged)price per piecekabel
kabelcable (without connector)500 meter on a reelprice per reeel

kabelcable (without connector)500 meter on a reelprice per 1000 meter

1 tube of 6 meter

unpackagedprice per tubebuis
buis1 tube of 6 meter *example to follow10 tubes with packaging code LENprice per 10 tubes

buis1 tube of 6 meter10 tubes in a bundleprice per 10 tubes
buis1 tube of 6 meter * example to follow10 tubes with packaging code LENprice per 1000 meter
buis1 tube of 6 meter10 tubes in a bundleprice per 1000 meter

250 screws

250 screws in a boxprice per 100 piecesdoosschroeven
productisolatieplaat10 insulation plates10 insulation plates in a packprice per plate


productisolatieplaat10 insulation plates10 insulation plates in a packprice per pack

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